Thursday, January 22, 2009

The true reasons of world financial crisis

The true reasons of world financial crisis 

The basic and unique reason of landslide crisis of economic is overproduction of the basic world currency - US dollar. 

Since 1971 when the binding of dollar to the gold content provided with gold reserves of the USA has been cancelled, dollars began to be printed in unlimited quantities. Purchasing capacity of dollar was provided not only gross national product of the USA (as it occurs in each normal country), but also gross national product of the countries of all world. 

All anything, but those states, which economy began to provide force of dollar, never had and have no control over volume of issue of dollar. This control really has also no government of the USA. Such right possesses only FRS the USA. 

The federal Reserve system of the USA (differently the Central Bank of the USA) is the private organisation belonging to 20 private banks of the USA. It is their main business - to print world money. To reach it, present owners FRS have spent much and time - decades, to be exact - centuries, and efforts - here 1st and 2nd World wars and Bretton-Vudsky agreements 1944 etc. and, of course, creation ФРС in 1907. 

Thus, the group of private persons has definitively acquired the right to release dollars, to define volume, release terms etc. Since 1971 on 2008 volume of dollar weight in the world has grown in tens times, having surpassed many times over real volume of commodity weight in the world. 

Such state of affairs was exclusively favourable, first of all, to owners FRSas the private organisation, in the second turn - the USA as to the state. We will tell about benefits of owners ФРС hardly later, and possibility concerns number of benefits of the USA in general since 1944, and especially since 1971, i.e. within last 37 years to live beyond the means, i.e. appreciably at the expense of other world. 

So gross national product of the USA makes 20 % from world gross national product. The truth this figure is not completely correct since in volume of gross national product the United States set off a number of indicators, for example cost of some versions of the services, which other countries in gross national product to itself do not set off. If to count by the general rules from 20 % this indicator will decrease approximately to 15 %. Well it is fine, let there will be 20 %. And consume the USA - 40 % from annually made in the world. The question for able to think: if someone makes 20 % (or 15 %?), and consumes 40 % after all someone should pay for it? 

Really pays, this someone - other world which gives to America the goods in exchange for poor pieces of paper. Thus there is a huge redistribution of world riches in favour of the USA. 

By the way, the more you look at an event in the world, the you are more convinced, that nothing is new in this world. All or was in history, or is described in fairy tales. For example, the exchange of real actives for candy wrappers is similar to how for a beads and other rubbish 24 dollars at Indians have been bought by total cost Manhattan. And ability to live at the expense of others and to be thus the strongest, has been described in a fairy tale about Fillipok which sucked juice from other, weaker plants. 

My problem does not include condemnation FRS, the United States of America, as the states or still somebody. It is not necessary to condemn anybody, it is just necessary to see the world such what it is actually. The truthful picture of the world will allow to understand, that occurs actually, that will occur, and that it is possible to make, that crisis or at all has not touched you, or would touch as small as possible. 

There is a question: and what for FRS it was necessary to make dollars more than it is necessary for normal functioning of economic? 

Really, if all countries which "have voluntary built in" the economy the mechanism of maintenance and maintenance of purchasing capacity of dollar, would have the right to carry out the control over dollar issue anything the bad world with economy would not happen. The real dollar weight would correspond to that real volume of actives which should be provided with dollars. 

But in that all counter, that if you the private person also have the right to print the dollar provided with economy of all world, if you are final not sacred, and bankers FRS not sacred you are simply obliged to begin dollar overproduction as it gives you fantastic possibilities. For this purpose ФРС also it was created, everything that the dollar became world currency for this purpose became. Your overproduction of dollar, is yours and only your goods. And the best goods in the world. It surpasses any other kinds of earning money in profitableness. Drugs, prostitution, traffic in arms - simply entertainments лохов in comparison with possibility to let out dollar. 

This possibility FRS has received, has not received more precisely, and has earned by right. 

The intelligence large quantity has been spent for this right (magnificent brains), the large quantity of efforts, money and years of intense work, for this purpose have been organised some crises and pair of world wars. 

We go further. 

Dollar overproduction is necessary to be enriched (and what for it still it is necessary?). On this practically virtual money it is possible to buy up completely not virtual, very much even the real liquid property (the companies, factories, gold, other actives). 

The part of money needs to be spent for maintenance of force of the USA. Owners ФРС is a brain. But the brain, even with money, is practically defenceless before a brute force. Therefore the brain needs very strong, but not simply strong, and the strongest in the world a body. Such body also is the USA. For this reason did not regret money for that the body had the strongest army in the world, the most full in the world the people. 

Therefore always volumes of consumption of the goods were paid by the people of the USA additional, not earned by economy of the USA. 

By the way, considerable means were spent for surety of "accessible" credits - consumer, including on habitation. I.e. you yet have not earned anything, but to you have already given the house, car etc. However, under obligation to work on repayment of the credit of 30 years. To pay all it (to give out huge volumes of credits) it was possible only at the expense of poor issue of dollar. Thus those who «in a subject» (owners ФРС) fine knew what to return this money in full it is not necessary to the consumer, since there will come a stage of "a controllable collapse» and all will change, including the dollar will fail also. 

But it will be then, for now: in 1970., in 1980, 1990th years - very well, to a controllable collapse still are time. 

By the way, often I hear, how many zloradstvujut: - Ur! The dollar will fall, the economy of the USA will fail also it will be crash of the USA! It is necessary to understand one - to a brain by and large deeply to spit on a body. 

The brain has created for itself a body, but it is not cardinally connected with a body, he can create some more bodies. The Brain never will lose, if one of bodies be destroyed, or strongly to weaken. Yes, the brain only partially is based in the USA, other parts of a brain are in England, France, Italy etc. 

By the way, now the brain, instead of one body, will create still bodies - the multipolar world. Russia will be one of new bodies. Probably, what is it the new body will exist in the form of the allied state of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and, maybe, Kazakhstan. 

That strengthening and integration of Russia will be carried out is almost for certain since, to each new pole of the world (body) the brain has certain objective requirements - on a population, on territory, on capacity of economy, on a military power. In forthcoming strengthening of Russia, unfortunately, there is no merit of the Russia, but it is a separate subject. 

Let's return to ФРС. 

That the poor part of issue of dollars did not press on the commodity market and did not conduct to dollar depreciation that will be inevitable to occur if dollars in circulation will be much more, than commodity actives in the world, ingenious minds of owners ФРС have thought up magnificent by efficiency ways of linkage, freezing of a considerable part of dollar weight in the virtual goods. 

First of all the share market has been for this purpose used. From usual, normal, it has been transformed substantially the virtual. Really, actions of the enterprises stand money. But main and almost unique investment value of actions in the normal market is defined by profitableness of the enterprise, i.e. possibility to receive the income in the form of a part have arrived the enterprise, distributed between shareholders. Cost of actions that above, than above annual profit on the invested capital. So business in the normal share market is. 

In the virtual share market the situation will be another. To you will explain, that the profit has insignificant value. Those of 20 or 50 % of this profit of special value have no of 2, 3, 4 or 5 % of profit which is earned by corporation and distributed between shareholders 10. 

The main thing - capitalisation growth, and, accordingly, growth of cost of actions. It is important, that cost of your share holding grew. In it the main income of the investor. Actually, in it the main counter for лохов. Also it is not necessary to be upset, that in number dupes there were very clever and strong people. Actually us deceive so, how much ourselves wish to be deceived. Unfortunately, this rule universal, operates bar none and extends, including on the cleverest people. 

In the virtual share market there is a following: 

Here the businessman has earned one or several millions dollars. He starts to think where to put up money: for example, to construct new factory. For this purpose it is necessary to think up qualitative production which will be in demand, find the earth for building, to construct directly factory, to employ the personnel, to train it, to buy raw materials, to make production, to advertise it, to sell etc. These are the big expenses of personal work, time, nerves in summary some percent of profit on the put up money will be received. Thus work and forces needs to be invested constantly, every day, every month and every year. But here there is an alternative - the "sweet" share market. It is necessary to make nothing. It is necessary to pay only money and the bought share holdings will annually grow in the price, and, more precisely, to you will annually "draw" 10-15 % to the initial price. Any special "head" pain, any special expenses, forces, energy and mind. 

All is simple and clear, as free cheese in the known technical device. Well how here not to be deceived and to start to believe any economic "gurus" explaining, that the main thing not profitableness of the enterprise, and growth of course cost. 

Really, for those who has transformed the share market in virtual, it actually the main thing since the share market based on an estimation of shares, proceeding from the valid profitableness of the enterprise, can "utilise,"connect"dollar in volumes in tens times smaller, than the market based on growth of course cost of shares. For organizers of the virtual share market it is rather important, since the bill goes on ten billions dollars. 

By the way, options, futures and to that similar share rubbish - from the same performance under the name «the virtual share market». 

Therefore, facilitating itself a life, it was favourable to be deceived even to very fairly clever businessmen and to believe in the share market. Actually, in such market money really earned by hard work turned to the virtual. 

For the same who has thought up this counter with the share market, except a problem of "procrastination" of dollars, such market simultaneously solved also other extremely favourable problems, gave possibilities of huge earnings. 

Because if you supervise the key moments of this market, have considerable means (if you print dollars, with money at you problems are not present - always it is possible to give to itself of any size credits for practically unlimited term), itself will organise news to which the market will react both itself define time and an order of giving of these news you will earn fantastic money. Thus, for you this money, unlike dupes too trying to play a stock exchange, will be completely not virtual and real profitableness at you will be not 10-15 virtual percent, and real 40, 50, 60, …, 100 %. And so from year to year. 

The main thing is that you precisely know, when you will bring down this market, before it having deduced the money. For now you will buy up from year to year control packages of rather profitable enterprises, that when all will fail very much the most part of real actives remains at you in hands. 

For other players the share market is comparable with game in Russian roulette, only in more rigid variant: when from 6 cells in a revolver drum it is occupied by cartridges five. It too game, and in it even will be won dupes, but them will be very little since results are defined by initial conditions of game. 

Really share market is provided by money only on 1-2 %. I.e. only investors can remove 1-2 % of money lost-free since this market virtual and from the moment of its creation it was not provided, that investors can leave and remove in large quantities from it at least that they really paid at an entrance. 

It as bank from which investors have decided to take away money. Such bank becomes at once on a bankruptcy side. But, the normal bank should have the actives exceeding him of the obligation and when the bank does not have no cash to return money to clients, for the missing sum the bank is obliged to give means from realisation of actives to carry out of obligations to clients. In any case the bank will return to investors at least 80-90 % of money. 

And in the share market it is not present anything, here anybody should nothing to anybody, give is going to nothing and never nothing will give. 

The bottom of the share market is the real cost of shares defined by real profitableness of the enterprise. This cost in tens times is less than cost of shares in the virtual market. 

Therefore, when say, that the USA will direct 700 billion dollars on rescue of the share market, and experts say, that it should suffice - it calls a smile me. 

To save the virtual share market it is necessary to print 100 bln. dollars, on all cost of this market. But if them to print, the dollar will fail time in 10. Therefore, to save the share market in such kind in what it existed last decades, nobody is going to. It simply physically is impossible. 

He has already played the role, has carried out of problem which were put before it and is not necessary any more to its founders. 

Certainly, founders of this market people very clever also will be to show till the certain moment, that in the market there is a struggle for its rescue, and it sometimes, for some days will grow (by the way, on it again and again it will be possible to earn to founders of this virtual market since they define time and growth volumes). So in this game of strangers won cannot be. 

By the way, you never reflected, what from screens of TVs "clever" experts and not less "clever" analysts actually speak about the reasons of growth or falling of share price or oil quotations to you? 

For example, someone with a clever kind says to you on channel "VESTI« (or on any other western channel) that the price for oil has grown on 10$ for barrel since the information that oil stocks in oil storages of the USA have appeared on 1 million barrels less has been promulgated, than it was expected. Who and in what volume "expected", and why level of these "expectations" should be a starting point for an estimation of the published stocks? Nobody tries to respond to it, but it is other question from the same performance. 

At first about most it 1 million barrels. For stamp Brent it approximately 131 thousand tons (it is rough - about 2500 Ry tanks of oil). Actually it is that volume of the oil, which USA consume for 1 hour. In 2005 a day the USA consumed about 21 million barrels of oil. Now - about 24 million barrels. 1 million barrels is equal 1/8760 parts from annual consumption of oil by the United States or approximately 0,012 % of annual consumption. In money this one million costs to 100 million dollars (at the price of 100 dollars for barrel). And, these 100 million dollars are not lost, they anywhere do not share, have not disappeared. Them simply had not time to take to oil storages. By the way, not the fact that had not time to take, and them really for the present is not present in storehouses. Simply there is an information news to the market. This «shocking news» calls growth of cost of volume extracted for a year in the oil world on 228 billion dollars (10 dollars × of 7,6 barrels in ton × of 3 billion tons). 

Can estimate intellectual qualities of the "experts" explaining to you why the price for oil for 10 dollars for barrel has grown. Same 99 % of any other news from financial experts from the share markets concern. And now can estimate, who and how much has earned on this news. 

Now about the high price for oil. Last 8-10 years the unique reason of the high prices for oil was only that the high prices during this period solved the same problems, as the share market - to connect dollar weight, but, unlike the share market, in the real goods. 

Oil - an ideal choice for linkage of huge weight of money. It is possible to make the wrong choice object and to rise the price for the goods which in case of unduly high increase of the price buyers will refuse to buy. Oil is practically unique goods which purchase anybody never will refuse. Even the ordinary citizen going by the car, practically, cannot be put again on a tram or by the underground. He will prefer to remain half-starved, but on the saved money he will buy gasoline and will continue to use the car. By the way, 69 % of oil are processed in gasoline and diesel fuel. Thus, oil money not only the big companies, but also simple citizens as last 10 years and simple citizens had too many money for hands communicates, and these means too began to represent premature danger to dollar - the basic goods of owners ФРС. 

Except direct linkage of several billions dollars, the high prices for oil are also ideal means of a rise in prices for all other groups of the goods (the foodstuffs, mechanical engineering production etc.) since everywhere in the prices there is a power and transport component. 

Such additional rise in prices annually gave the chance to connect some more billions dollars. 

So, direct interest in it the USA was the unique reason of the highest prices for oil last decade, is more correct than those who printed dollar. It was necessary to delay a collapse of a pyramid for some years and well to be prepared for «a controllable collapse» economic. 

And highly to lift up the prices and to give it a convincing explanation and war in Iraq ostensibly for reception of "cheap oil» has been organised. Americans there have come at all for the control over its oil and that oil of Iraq some years did not get on the market, and instability in this region promoted growth of the world prices for oil. 

We go further. 

Was very ridiculous to observe in the spring-summer 2008г. Behind messages, that the special commission in the USA searches for speculators at stock exchanges which are guilty in unduly high prices for oil from which the economy of the USA suffers. By the way, speculators and have found. 

It is not necessary to condemn owners FRS the USA. Simply it is very clever people, big big, simply fantastic possibilities (both financial, and political, and military men) to influence our world. They are not obliged cares of all mankind. They did not subscribe for it also such obligations have no before anybody. They simply do the business and create to itself mechanisms for growth and prosperity of this business. The purpose of this article not condemnation somebody, the purpose - to show the world such what it to eat and help to save up money that who the heavy work has earned and has saved up small enough money to present measures: from 100 thousand to 1-2 million dollars. Under a pillow to save up this money it will not be possible. But about it hardly later. For now we will continue. 

By the way, whether you how the so-called "exchange" prices for gold are defined know? 

You think, what there are auctions at a gold stock exchange and the balance of the prices of the offer and demand is a stock quote? Be mistaken. The price for gold is defined by very clever and dear people (I write it without gibes, absolutely seriously since people who have created this mechanism, it, certainly, very clever and influential). 

The gold price is defined by members of family of Rothschilds who are going to in the London private residence and on the basis of the exchange demands which "origin" is known only by them, define how much should there is a gold. By the way, I mentally applauded them about 6-7 years ago when they have on the sly lowered the price for gold to 250 dollars for troy ounce. Then, as on magic wand wave, there was a weight of articles that gold has ceased to carry out function of treasure and support of a part of gold and exchange stocks that the central bank it is necessary to get rid of gold. As a result the central banks of Switzerland and England have sold to investors on half of gold reserves if I am not mistaken - something about 2 500 tons, (try to guess who bought up them). And, apparently, business has not managed only the central banks of England and Switzerland. I then not so could watch a situation since I did not have an Internet, and in newspapers and magazines about it wrote a little. 

Then, within 3th years, the price for gold has grown more than to 1000 dollars for ounce. 

Now it fluctuates about 750-800 dollars, but do not worry, when it becomes necessary, she will quickly grow both to 2 and to 3 thousand dollars for ounce. More correctly not dollars, and any other money which will come in the stead of dollar. 

Everyone can present, that would be for it in respect of personal well-being if it had the right to define the price of gold for all world. Whether it was necessary for it to be engaged still in any business or this business costs all other kinds of business of together taken? 

Now it is necessary to tell that occurs now in the world and that will be further. 

Now there is «a controllable collapse». It is necessary to understand, that for founders of the virtual share market no trouble does not occur. All goes under the plan. This stage of "a controllable collapse» also should bring huge profits and strengthen positions of owners FRS all over the world. The collapse stage is inevitable, since nobody cancelled laws of physics, and any financial pyramid will necessarily fall. These are the Egyptian pyramids can stand centuries, and financial pyramids necessarily fall. 

It would fall hardly later, in 2-3 years itself but then process would become uncontrollable and could harm interests of founders of a pyramid. To a controllable collapse there was an active preparation many years. All the matter is that during this stage will be necessary to buy up for nothing the major and most profitable enterprises, and for this purpose it will be necessary to supervise rigidly all financial streams and to have possibility to stop those from them which will threaten interests of buying up of the enterprises (for example which can help to hold on before crisis end to the enterprise interesting to buyers). 

Whether there was such preparation? Whether we can see its traces? Was. In the middle and second half 90th years the bank secret has practically disappeared. An official occasion of struggle for cancellation of bank secret - necessity of struggle against non-payment of taxes. Under the threat of that for banks of Switzerland and other countries where presence of bank secret was declared, the bank markets of the USA, Canada and other countries, practically all states will be closed have refused bank secret, as that. 

But easier to know, that any money somewhere and whence goes insufficiently. It is necessary to have an opportunity, if necessary, actively to influence a situation. Following step became - on September, 11th, 2001. Events, happen then, solved variety of problems, but we now will allocate only one, interesting us in respect of a subject of our article. As a result of these events laws on struggle against terrorism financing have been passed. Generally it is easy to understand, that terrorists are almost always financed at all through banks, and for the organisation of acts of terrorism the ridiculous sums - usually to several tens thousand dollars are necessary. 

Actually, an overall objective of acceptance of these laws was creation of the mechanism of blocking without decisions of courts for any term (though for 20 years) any sum if there are suspicions, that it ostensibly intends finally to terrorists. Legal proceedings in this case are inconvenient are long, it is necessary to present proofs, what is it really terrorist money, and it is difficult to supervise huge weight of courts all over the world. So the real tool for influence if necessary on a situation has been received at the future «a controllable collapse». 

I will show also other elements of preparation (on an example of Russia): 

For this purpose it is necessary to understand the following: you have paid attention, where Russia held all these years 90 % of the means obtained from sale of oil under the high prices? Where money of stabilisation (reserve) fund of Russia took places? 

Correctly - in the USA. This money has arisen at Russia because of actions of the USA in the name of owners FRS and, on justice, i.e. on "concepts", Russia generally did not need to use them. It is obvious, that the main thing here was not that all knew as to arrive "fairly", and that the management of Russia, had and has only one possibility - implicitly to make, as it is necessary to owners FRS. Why it so - a separate subject. 

Remember, how the Russian politicians and "experts" explained some years successively what at once to spend oil money for needs of Russia it is impossible, since it will call "awful" inflation? It is necessary to think some years as them to spend, define presidential programs, priorities and only then very cautiously it is possible to start to take away money from the USA and to spend. 

Why the USA could spend decades billions poor dollars for the consumption and it has never called "awful" inflation are "experts" to us did not explain. 

Certainly, whence to "experts" could come to mind, that if not to eat this money and to spend them for building of factories and factories which will make the goods, i.e. to fill the commodity market no additional inflation in Russia will exist. Too difficult problem for "experts" to realise it. To say easier, that lip: about dangers of "awful" inflation which will result from "rating" of economy of Russia money. It was necessary to carry out a problem, real sense which "experts" did not understand - to prove, why Russia holds in the USA all earned as a result of the high prices for oil. 

When last year Russia has started to spend money for presidential programs, I have told to the friends: «All children to wait remains not for long: Russia have already allowed to spend money». 

Well, and when in August of this year the prices for oil began to fall, it became clear, that the problem on their maintenance at high level is solved and now the basic events in the virtual share market will begin. 

Let's continue how there was a preparation for a controllable collapse to Russia. 

For forthcoming realisation of successful buying up of the important actives it was important, that the large interesting enterprises have not saved up by the moment of a collapse of the markets considerable monetary stocks in volumes which could help to hold on it afloat that period of time in which «the controllable collapse» should come to the end. 

The possible mechanism of creation of such latent reserves for the enterprises - through non-payment of taxes, through cashing in. 

As you remember, since 2000, and especially since 2003, in Russia "ruthless" struggle against the oligarchs who are not paying taxes has begun. Have frightened them so, that some Russian oligarchs have allowed rigid instructions to the financiers to pay all taxes, to pay even when the accounting situation really allows to interpret doubly, whether it is necessary to pay the tax in a concrete case. Those superprofits which could be formed at the oil companies from the high prices for oil, were withdrawn about the help of excises and other taxes. To the companies left no more than 20 % from a gain so that was on what oil to extract and absolutely slightly to grow fat. Therefore support of the most severe control over payment of taxes was very important problem. It was necessary to collect them as it is possible more full. 

And where there were collected taxes (except financing of expenses of the budget)? Correctly - in the USA as a part of various reserve and other funds. There in a different kind huge annual proficiency of the budget went also. 

Last 3 years to Russia also there was very rigid struggle against cashing in of means. It was killed two strategic hares. The first - nobody will create too large stocks of a cash which could provide that its business "has not died" during crisis, and the second - those of 11-12 % which cashing in cost - these huge sums overworked, besides, those who has the right of them to earn. 

On the one hand it is possible to assert, that struggle for taxes are that does any civilised state and it is not a preparation element to «a controllable collapse». Yes, it so, but it is necessary to pay attention, that in the conditions of Russia when in the beginning of this decade for the first time since 1991 the budget began to be filled, this struggle has begun practically simultaneously with the beginning of a rise in prices for oil. It is necessary to pay attention and to forms of this struggle: the chosen indicative victim (Khodorkovsky), its communication with the mighty of this world and the main object of struggle - the companies of oligarchs. Also it is necessary to look, where the money received as a result of this struggle (the share market of the USA, hypothecary papers of banks of the USA etc.) went. All it allows to draw that conclusion which is made. 

Then in the world there has come long-awaited day - crisis has begun. 

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